
Defining a clear direction


Step 1

The first and most critical phase of the Brand Creation process is Discovery. 

This phase defines in a single document:

  • Key objectives and timing

  • Market situation

  • Mission and positioning

  • Competition

  • Overall benefits and offerings

  • Value proposition

  • Stakeholders and audience

  • What’s working and performance gaps

The reason this phase is so important is because all of the work that follows will be judged against what’s agreed upon in the approved Discovery Document. It’s developed through your research documents and background materials. The document is also compiled through other sources that are uncovered through brainstorm sessions and interviews.

This work along with research and insights will inform all of the creative and brand work to follow. This is why it’s important to have accurate, agreed-upon documentation that has buy-in from company leadership all the way through to the day-to-day team.

Once the Discovery Document has been completed and approved, it will serve as a North Star for creative direction. This will influence and inspire the Creative Exploration, which moves us into the next phase.